Military Members and Your Agency

Education and training on what protections your military-affiliated personnel are entitled to.

Training on how to enable your reservist and National Guard personnel, and eliminate liability.

USERRA. Does your agency staff know what this acronym means? If you have personnel who is also in a reserve status with a unit of the National Guard or Reserve Forces, they absolutely should.

America has relied on her armed forces since her inception. The citizen-soldier that makes up America’s reserves and National Guard is an integral part of our nation’s readiness. Yet, we read time and time again about organizations that enter litigation due to violations of service member’s rights. If you have military-affiliated personnel working within your ranks, this training class is absolutely necessary for your staff. All corporate sector companies must know what the dos and don’ts are with their military personnel. The cost of this course will pay for itself twice over as knowing what you can do, and when you can do it, will save your company tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlement and attorney’s fees.

This class will give all staff members the knowledge needed in dealing with military duty scheduling issues, what recourses your company has, and what your rights are as an employer. This training is unique and your company won’t find it anywhere else with such a focus on private sector application.

This class teaches an exclusive curriculum by one of the nation’s top USERRA and military lawyers, John N. Maher, JD, MBA, LLM. John is the founder and lead attorney at Maher Legal Services, and of He brings his over 20-years of experience as a JAG lawyer to the table for your benefit, and that of your company’s. He holds a degree as a Master of Strategic Studies from the US Army War College, deployed to Afghanistan twice, and was General Counsel for the US Office of Personnel Management (personnel department for the Federal government). He is one of the few lawyers in the country’s history that was granted not one, but TWO Presidential Pardons for his clients that were wrongfully imprisoned for actions overseas. He will discuss cases that he has taken to court against companies across the country on behalf of service members that worked in the private sector.

If your legal department has already been contacted due to issues with your military personnel, you’re already behind the curve. Get up to speed and in the know with this essential training for all managers and executives.

Learn from the nation’s very best.

Arm yourself and your agency with the legal know-how to stay out of court due to USERRA violations.

In this course, the following topics are explored:

  • USERRA - What is it? What does it do?

  • Case Studies

  • Drafting policies that work.

  • Serving your country shouldn’t make work harder: The effects on personnel morale.


John N. Maher, JD, MBA, LLM

John is the founder and lead attorney at Maher Legal Services, and of He brings his over 20-years of experience as a JAG lawyer to the table for your benefit, and that of your company’s. He is a graduate of the US Army War College, deployed to Afghanistan twice, and was General Counsel for the US Office of Personnel Management (personnel department for the Federal government). He is one of the few lawyers in the country’s history that was granted not one, but TWO Presidential Pardons for his clients that were wrongfully imprisoned for actions overseas. He will discuss cases that he has taken to court against companies across the country on behalf of service members that worked in the private sector.

John is a spectacularly accomplished attorney and brings the following executive summary to the table:

J.D. magna cum laude, LLM, MBA, BS cum laude, and Master of Strategic Studies with 25 years of government contracting, litigation, and fiscal law experience as Senior Executive Service (SES) by Presidential appointment General Counsel for the US Office of Personnel Management in Washington DC, first-chair legal counsel with the US Department of Justice Commercial Litigation Branch in Washington DC, Deputy General Counsel for Acquisition with the Defense Intelligence Agency, the US Army as deployed Chief of Contracts and Fiscal Law for US Forces – Afghanistan, with private practice experience as a litigation associate at Mayer Brown and partner at Duane Morris, LLP in Chicago, published legal decisions and published government contract articles; top-secret security clearance; after mid-career MBA, founded law firm, funeral home, and international consulting company.