Gap-Free Narratives

Report Writing training with a 21st Century approach.

Everything evolves, and so much of what is reported today, can change as quickly as your own internal policies do. When was the last time your organization touched on how to draft incident reports? Let us set your new standard.

The reports we write and the way we write them, are what keep us out of, or get us closer to, being disciplined, terminated or sued. That is in part, why our prosecution-caliber report method is so important. Police agencies around the country use this method of report writing to win criminal cases. Let us bring the same high-standard to your organization.

With our Gap-Free Narrative™ approach to incident reporting, report takers will learn the easiest way to ensure they have the necessary parts of an incident articulated correctly and chronologically. Following our method will ensure narratives are no longer missing parts of an incident that could have made a difference in court or any other sort of setting in which incident reporting matters. Your organization will see an increase in completeness and flow once done with this course. Minimize liability in lawsuits and civil matters with this standard-setting training.

This course will provide any employees that write reports about anything at all, with the skills needed to write the “whole picture” narratives that your organization demands. The credibility of your organization, and that of your employee’s, is on the line with every report that is written. Make them as Gap-Free as possible.


Let us show you how to draft the best possible reports.

Success through standardization.

The Gap-Free Five Part Narrative

All narratives are created and assessed by the five part process we employ here at Offset. Within those five narrative parts, incident report writers are able to include all aspects of any incident they are reporting on. From missing property all the way through harassment investigations, our approach makes it as easy as 1,2,3,4,5.

The Gap-Free Narrative Checklist

All users will be trained on how to use our checklist. By using our narrative checklist, your employees will learn to write reports in a more complete way 100% of the time. After learning how to apply the Gap-Free™ concept, your personnel will have the ability to apply the same complete-reporting approach for the rest of their careers.