Gap-Free Narrative Review Training For Supervisors

Narrative Review Training with a Resiliency approach.

Whether you are a Police Sergeant, a Fire Lieutenant, or a Private Security Manager, know the parts that need to be in the reports you approve like the back of your hand.

Supervisors in their respective agencies are responsible for assessing reports before they become part of your final record. Supervisors are often overburdened with a myriad of other responsibilities that take away from the importance of taking the time to properly vet reports.

The reports we write and the way we write them, are what keep us out of, or get us closer to, being disciplined, terminated or worse.

With our Gap-Free Narrative© approach to approving incident reports, supervisors across all public agency sectors will ensure that only complete narratives become a part of the public record. Following our method will ensure the reports you approve are the best representation of an incident you can put your signature on.

This course will provide supervisors with the skills needed to read any report and make sure it has all the parts to tell the “whole picture” . Your credibility, and that of your agency, is on the line with every report that you approve. Make sure they are as Gap-Free© as possible.


Get ready to take your narrative approval skills to the next level.

  • The Gap-Free Five Part Narrative™

    All narratives are created and assessed by the five part process we employ here at Offset. Within those five narrative parts, officers are able to include all aspects of any incident they are reporting on. From stolen property to homicide investigations, our approach makes it as easy as going down a checklist.
    All users will be trained on how to use our checklist. By using our narrative checklist, officers will learn to write reports in a more complete way 100% of the time. After learning how to apply the Gap-Free© concept, officers will have the ability to apply the same complete-reporting approach for the rest of their careers.